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Oculus VR News | July 27, 2024

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Brendan Iribe Takes the Position of CEO for Oculus VR

Brendan Iribe, previous officer for Gaikai and Scaleform, takes the Position of CEO for Oculus VR

Image courtesy of: Oculus


Oculus VR had an extremely successful launch, thanks to the help of its Kickstarter campaign. They were able to reach their initial funding goal in a matter of hours, and ever since that moment, they knew that they needed to hire the right CEO for the company.

As of August 14, 2012, Former Gaikai chief product officer and Scaleform founder, Brendan Iribe, made the move to Oculus VR, as its newly appointed CEO of the virtual reality start-up company.

“The success of our Kickstarter campaign has been overwhelming and a bit humbling, but now it’s time to deliver on the promise,” said Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus. “We’ve done the R&D and have blown people away with our prototypes. These hires, all of whom have many years of experience developing technology for video games, will ensure that we first deliver rock-solid dev kits, then a consumer product that takes video games to a completely new level of immersion.”

Alongside Iribe, Michael Antonov, with whom he co-founded Scaleform, was also hired to join the team as Oculus chief software architect—including, Jack McCauley who will serve as vice president of engineering.

“For years we’ve talked about virtual reality, and how amazing it would be to actually play within a game, rather than just watch it happen in front of you on a screen,” said Iribe.

“As a serial entrepreneur, I thrive in start-up environments, and Oculus is as exciting and disruptive as they come. The core technology is already there. Now it’s up to the growing team at Oculus to get it into the hands of both developers and gamers everywhere.”

The first company product is scheduled to launch sometime in 2013 and is set to be one of the most highly-awaited advancements in virtual reality gaming history.