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Oculus VR News | January 22, 2025

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EVE: Valkyrie Showcases Just How Close ‘True’ VR May Be

EVE: Valkyrie

Image courtesy of: Oculus

Staff Writer

Oculus VR created what may become the first virtual reality headset to achieve widespread mainstream use. But that wasn’t enough for them. They had to go further.

And so they hired a former senior VP at Electronic Arts publishing to head their new game publishing arm. Bringing in David DeMartini from EA was a move designed to entice game designers into making games specifically for the Oculus Rift, which could be a big part of making its use more widespread, and turning widespread VR gaming from a sci-fi fantasy into a right-now reality.

And now comes the news that Oculus has announced the first upcoming game to be released by their new publishing arm. The fast-paced multiplayer space-dogfighting game EVE: Valkyrie will be released in 2014 exclusively for use with Oculus Rift.

EVE: Valkyrie first showed up as a game called EVR, a multiplayer shooter that came as a side project put together by a few EVE Online developers during their spare time. With just seven weeks’ development time, and built while they were working on other projects, it wasn’t exactly anyone’s magnum opus, but the game became a huge hit when it was featured at game conventions that CCP decided to build a full-game version of it.

Valkyrie is more than just an exciting new way to dogfight your friends: it’s a milestone in the development of the budding VR gaming market. Valkyrie will serve to show players what the Oculus Rift is capable of when they get games designed specifically for their headset. It gives the company an opportunity to showcase how far they’ve come in building a VR headset that delivers. Further, the game incorporates the headset into gameplay the way a more traditional game simply can’t.

It’s no big surprise then, that Oculus wants to keep the development of EVE: Valkyrie as in-house as possible.

But there’s yet another twist. Oculus Rift isn’t the only product out there geared towards immersive VR experiences. Others are popping up all the time, many of them are designed for use with Oculus Rift, rather than competing with it. And Oculus may not have the only VR headset available, given a few years for other companies to catch up.