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Oculus VR News | July 27, 2024

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Oculus Announces Connect 3 Developer Conference Schedule

Oculus Announces Connect 3 Developer Conference Schedule

Image courtesy of: Oculus


Oculus VR has announced its full line-up of speakers and presentations scheduled for its third annual developer’s conference, Oculus Connect 3, which is scheduled to run from October 5th-7th 2016, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, CA.

Throughout the three-day conference event, attendees will have access to more than 50+ technical talks and workshops from leading VR developers and industry veterans discussing a wide range of topics focusing on VR game development, social VR interaction, cinematic VR storytelling experiences, including sessions involving the latest on the long-anticipated Oculus Touch which is expected to launch to consumers by the end of the year.

Below are just a few of the sessions scheduled for this year’s Oculus Connect 3 event:

  • Introduction to Gear VR Development with Unity with Mark Schoennagel, Unity
  • Live App Reviews with John Carmack, CTO, Oculus
  • Minecraft: Breaking the rules of VR with Soren Hannibal Nielsen, Lead Programmer from Microsoft
  • Solving the First Person Shooter in VR with Steve Arnold, Head of Studios, Oculus; Joe Hamell, Team Art Director, High Voltage; John Gibson, President, Tripwire Interactive; Nick Donaldson, Epic
  • Building a Content Ecosystem for Customers and Developers with Dan Morris, Head of Digital Store, Oculus
  • Elevate Your VR Experience with Ambisonic Audio Design with Tom Smurdon Audio Content Lead, Oculus Pete Stirling Audio manager and lead architect, Oculus
  • VR for Good: The Social Impact of Empathy in VR with Lauren Burmaster, VR for Good from Oculus; Barry Pousman, Co-founder and CEO from Variable Labs; Gabo Arora, Creative Director from United Nations and Elise Olge, Project Manager from the Stanford Human Interaction Lab
  • Art in VR: The Creative Potential of Quill and Medium with Wesley Allsbrook, Art Director, Oculus and Goro Fujita, Art Director, Oculus
  • Under the Hood of the Rift SDK: Building for Touch with Paul Pedriana, Graphics Engineering Manager, Oculus
  • Advanced Interaction Concepts for VR Using Tracked Controllers with Bradley Weiers, Unity
  • Social VR: A Conversation with Mike Booth, Product Manager, Social VR, Facebook

For the complete schedule and event details of each session at Oculus Connect 3, visit the official Oculus Connect website to learn more.