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Oculus VR News | July 27, 2024

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Oculus Medium Update 1.2.2 Brings New Features and Bug Fixes

Oculus Medium Update 1.2.2 Brings New Features and Bug Fixes

Image courtesy of: Oculus


Oculus Medium lets you create sculpts, models, and other various kinds of immersive artwork in virtual reality with the Oculus Rift and Touch motion controllers. Now, a new major update for the app has been released that introduces many new features and improvements.

The 1.2.2 patch update of Medium, now available, brings not only the usual bug fixes but also a host of new features and functionality that aim to make it easier and more efficient to create virtual art in a VR environment. For example, users can now import OBJ and FBX files and convert reference meshes into sculptable clay using the new ‘Copy to Clay’ option. There is also the ability to playback videos within Medium, which is a feature that will definitely come in handy for those that want to watch video tutorials while following along and sculpting their own masterpieces in VR.

In addition, users will be able to decrease the resolution of layers via the layer menu and reference meshes now support textures—including various bug fixes and improvements such as integrating the latest Oculus audio SDK for improved spacial audio. According to the release notes, the Medium 1.2.2 update includes the following:

New Features

Convert reference meshes to sculptable clay:

  • Users can now import OBJ and FBX files with vertex color and texture mapping as reference meshes…and then convert them to sculpts in Medium! After adding a reference mesh to your scene, just select the mesh, bring up its settings menu and press “Copy to Clay”

Decrease resolution on layers:

  • This can be found in the layer menu, in addition to the previously existing “increase resolution” feature.

Playback videos within Medium:

  • When choosing a video to play it will play in the window while you sculpt as opposed to only playing in the library.
  • Add videos from the sharing site into Medium (try some from our gallery:, or download videos from the Newsfeed in the Home screen.
  • Reference Mesh import now supports textures.
  • Include all required texture files alongside your OBJ/FBX inside the Medium import folder to bring colored References Meshes into Medium.
  • Copy to Clay supports conversion of textured meshes into sculptable clay

Bug Fixes

  • Studio Share
  • Fixed an issue with the friends list being capped at 25 friends in Studio Share
  • Added iconography to indicate online status of friends in Studio Share

Sculpting and Layers:

  • Fixed irregularities with surface constrain and clay tool
  • Fixed an issue with the sculpt drifting if it was moved between undo/redo operations
  • Hidden layers now stay hidden after entering and leaving the home menu.


  • Fixed an issue with stamp previews and stamp help dialog not appearing in recordings made on a previous version.
  • Fixed an issue with severe artifacting when using make stamp from layer from high-resolution layers.
  • Made stamp generation from meshes less dependent on water tightness.


  • Fixed a crash when attempting to export meshes with 8k textures on min spec machines
  • Min sculpt origin scale is now .01


  • Integrated latest Oculus audio SDK for improved spatial audio.
  • Fixed a crash loading references from a previous version.
  • Fixed the bug that selecting anywhere on the keyboard returned the cursor to the front of the text.
  • Previews for reference meshes were obscuring tooltip dialog.
  • Fixed some grammatical errors in help dialog.
  • We’ve had to disable stamp sharing temporarily due to a technical issue.
  • Fixed a bug in which the home menu wouldn’t appear if a notification dialog was active.
  • Fixed a crash that prevented Medium from starting.