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Oculus VR News | January 22, 2025

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Oculus Rift Film 'Zero Point' Offers First 360-Degree Movie Experience

Zero Point: The first 360-degree movie

Image courtesy of: Condition One

Staff Writer

The Oculus Rift still in its development stages, before even shipping any consumer model anywhere, has already garnered more attention than perhaps any other pre-release gaming system ever. Its continuous amazing showings at developer and gamer conventions alike have built up so much hype, that it’s hard to imagine things getting any cooler. However, Oculus Rift is not for just playing games anymore. Now instead, we’ve got 360-degree immersive movies shot specifically to be watched and experienced within the Rift.

One production studio has recently announced they are preparing to release the first-ever movie specifically made for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. The film is called Zero Point, and it’s centered around the history and development of virtual reality technology over the last few decades. This innovative 360-degree 3D film will allow viewers to look around within an immersive movie environment as if they were actually in the scene with the events taking place on the screen.

The studio making this all happen is called Condition One, a startup company that focuses on innovative visual technology. Zero Point will immerse viewers in several interesting locations, including a military training facility, a packed E3 conference, a special research laboratory at Stanford University, and several of the secret laboratories where new virtual reality technologies are currently being developed.

Condition One’s founder and CEO, Danfung Dennis, an Oscar-nominated filmmaker, directed the 360-degree film, and reportedly plans to make more movies through the headset in the future, according to TechCrunch.

The 360-degree concept for the film might be a little hard to imagine if you haven’t already tried an Oculus Rift yourself. However, Condition One has recently released an interactive trailer to give viewers a closer look at how to grasp the concept. With the use of the company’s interactive media player, viewers can play the interactive trailer on a regular web browser and move the viewing direction around with the mouse to explore the scene. However, using your browser will not give you the true immersion that can only be felt using the Oculus Rift. It’s something you just got to experience for yourself.

The full version of the movie is expected to be released later in 2014, in several different interactive formats, including a version for anyone who owns an Oculus Rift development kit.

Check out the interactive trailer for yourself on Reelhouse.

With Virtual Reality increasing in popularity and the technology getting better, it’s exciting to imagine how far will go. With enough continued support it’s likely that VR films are going to bring us even closer to experiencing media and the silver screen like never before.