Explore Seinfeld's Apartment in Virtual Reality on Oculus Rift

Ever wanted to be on a TV sitcom? Well, with the Oculus Rift you’ll have your chance to walk through the iconic apartment set from Seinfeld.
If you’re a fan of the show, then you’re in for a real treat. Jerry’s Place VR allows you to explore the apartment’s main room, bathroom, and Jerry’s bedroom, as you notice every tiny detail that you’ve come to love and remember from the Emmy award-winning show using the Oculus Rift. You also have the option to use your computer, however, the experience is not quite the same without the virtual headset. The only thing missing is having Kramer suddenly burst through the door at any moment, which you almost begin to wonder if he actually will, since the mod is so nicely detailed as it is.
According to creator Greg Miller, the Jerry’s Place VR mod took about a month to build. Originally, the project began as a way to introduce himself to Unity, a game engine used to develop software compatible with Oculus Rift. In order to stay true to the show, and as accurate as possible — Miller did extensive research to find images and footage of all the details, and actual props used in the show.
“I’ve been a fan of Seinfeld for a long time. After purchasing the Oculus rift I started imagining what my first project might be. I decided to pick a project that would gradually introduce me to Unity without being overly complex. I was not new to 3D modelling, however this would be my first project in Unity. I came up with the idea of recreating Jerry’s apartment, in it’s entirety for virtual reality.” — Miller explained on Jerry’s Place VR’s official site.
Miller also makes mention on his website that there are about 11 references hidden throughout the apartment based on various episodes. Almost like an Easter egg hunt, you are challenged to find them all!
For those who already own the Oculus Rift, you can download Jerry’s Place VR for PC and Mac from the official site.