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Oculus VR News | July 27, 2024

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Oculus Rift Demo Stations Planned for Retail Stores at Launch

Oculus Rift Demo Stations Planned for Retail Stores at Launch

Image courtesy of: Oculus


When it comes to mainstream consumers adopting VR technology it’s going to take a lot more than a few catchy buzz words to convenience them that the future has arrived.

As we get closer to the consumer release of the Oculus Rift in Q1 2016, part of its success will depend on giving as many potential buyers an opportunity to experience virtual reality for the first time, in order to fully understand what all the talk is about.

According to a recent E3 interview with Road to VR, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey confirmed that the company plans to set up demo stations in local retail stores for consumers to try out and experience the Oculus Rift for themselves.

“Yes, we will be in retail. And we will have demos in retail so that people are able to try [the Oculus Rift]”, Luckey said.

He went on to add, “…Because one way to show people VR is to show them at a trade show or a gaming show, another way is for them to try their friend’s unit, and the other way is for them to be able to try it out someplace else, and we want to make sure that they have that ‘someplace else’.”

As with any in-store demonstration of a new product ensuring that the staff is properly trained to provide each customer with a positive experience is crucial to the overall first impression. Oculus has maintained a high-quality standard with its experienced staff to ensure visitors at trade shows and events get the best, and most comfortable VR experience possible when trying out the Oculus Rift HMD. It will be interesting to see how well retail stores will engage with consumers through their first VR experience, as more VR products hit the consumer market.

No specific date or price for the consumer version of the Oculus Rift has been announced yet. Stay tuned for more updates, as it develops.